Our Mission
To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.
Our Vision
To provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.
Our History
In March of 1937, Victor C. Harnish had the idea of establishing a Boys Club in Waltham. A group of community leaders collaborated, raised funds, and on November 2, 1937 the Boys Club of Waltham was incorporated.
The Club opened on January 28, 1938 in the vacated Asbury Temple Building at 686 Main Street. Fourteen years later, a capital campaign was launched to construct a new Club building. In response, the Charles Hayden Foundation provided a substantial grant, and many individuals made generous donations. The site at 20 Exchange Street, which serves as today’s Club, opened in November of 1952.
In 1985, the Club officially changed its name to the Waltham Boys & Girls Club, Inc. Since our founding, the Waltham Boys & Girls Club has been recognized as a community leader in providing positive programs for youth, with a special emphasis on serving disadvantaged youth.
Throughout our history, the Club has expanded to meet the growing needs of youth in Waltham. The Club has been recognized nationally by Boys & Girls Club of America for program excellence and membership growth.