School Day Learning Center

As our community gets ready for an unprecedented school year, the Waltham Boys & Girls Club has developed a brand new model to meet the unique challenges presented by the current crisis. A community assessment that included a parent and teen survey and several meetings with the Waltham Public School Administration, revealed the need for a full school day remote learning opportunity in support of many of our community’s most vulnerable youth. With WPS moving virtual for the majority of students in grades 2-12,  WBGC will be operating an in-person academic support program for students who are unable to successfully engage in this method of  learning on their own.

This model has been approved by the Governor, Superintendents Commission, Early Childhood Education and Care (EEC), and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). A playbook of operations including minimum health and safety guidelines was released and is being rolled out across the State by other Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, and other out-of-school-time providers.

A full health and safety guide has been created, with protocol that covers every part of the day from drop-off to pick-up. A maximum of 85 youth will be pre-registered for the program 4-days/week (Tues-Fri) following the school day times start and end times.  The program will begin on September 15, 2020 and will be re-evaluated by the end of October according to changes to State or WPS guidelines.

The full program will be broken into three large groups, overseen by a manager. There will not be any contact between students or staff between those groups once the program begins. Each of the three larger groups will be broken down into smaller cohorts consisting of 10-20 students and 2 staff. Contact between those smaller cohorts will be extremely limited. Each cohort will operate with a case management strategy with each staff being assigned to 5-10 students that they will be in closer contact with.

All CDC, State and Local guidelines will be followed, including social distancing, mandatory facial coverings, and cleaning/disinfecting. Contact tracing will be monitored at all times, and proper procedures will go into effect immediately if there is a confirmed/suspected case or potential exposure.


To register, please send the completed application form, record of immunizations, and documentation of the latest physical examination (must be from the last 2 years) to Aubree Cecil at

ATTENTION: Please download and save the enrollment form before completing it. If the form is filled out in the browser, the information entered may be lost.
Enrollment Form
School Day Learning Center Guide

ATENCION: Por favor descargue y guarde este formulario antes de completarlo. Si el formulario es completado en nuestro servidor, la información ingresada puede perderse.
Formulario de Inscripción – Spanish
School Day Learning Center Guide – Spanish