The Waltham Boys & Girls Club recently announced its Members of the Month for November 2021 at the Elementary, Middle, and High School grade levels. These students are enrolled in the Waltham Boys & Girls Club’s Out of School Time Programs and were nominated by staff for demonstrating a good attitude, respect for others, dependability, hard work, volunteerism, honesty, trustworthiness, and academic achievements. Each student receives a Student of the Month certificate and will have their picture on display in the main hallway at the Waltham Boys & Girls Club.
In the Fall of 2021, the Waltham Boys & Girls Club introduced two new recognition categories in Sports & Recreation and STEM to recognize members who continue to strive for excellence in sportsmanship and continued learning.
The Waltham Boys & Girls Club is proud to recognize the following students with October’s Student of the Month distinctions and personal achievements in Sports & Recreation and STEM.
November 2021
Member of the Month, Elementary School: Angel Gomez
Fifth-grader and five-year member of the Club, Angel Gomez is recognized as November’s Member of the Month because of his compassion and appreciation of others. He is always leading by example and eager to lend a helping hand. He loves participating in gym activities and is considered outgoing, kind, and friendly by members and staff alike. He is a shining example of a young leader and we are proud to have him a part of our Waltham Boys & Girls Club family!
Member of the Month, Middle School Category: Alexandra Garcia Barrios
For Middle School Program Coordinator Guy Robinson, Alexandra is “a perfect example of what it means to be great!” Alexandra is known for being a hard-working, well-mannered, and caring individual who always enters the building with a big smile and warm hello. As a first-generation immigrant from Guatemala, Alexandra has worked very hard to learn the English language and make academics a priority – she has earned straight A+’s both semesters and is eager to do better. As soon as she gets to the Club, she makes sure to finish her homework before engaging in other activities. What stands out the most for Guy about Alexandra is her selflessness, “Alexandra was given a jacket for winter that she needed herself, but instead gave it to her brother saying that he needed it more than her. When other members are feeling down, she is the first to go up to them to see how they are doing. Alexandra deserves this recognition and I am proud to have her in my program.”
Member of the Month, High School Category: Lisset Herrera-Mora
Waltham High School Senior Lisset Herrera-Mora has displayed an exemplary work ethic and enthusiasm for the Club mission – not only as a Club member but as a Teen Staff Member at the front desk. Teen Program Director Kendall Gillians credits her commitment to member families and positive attitude to receiving this recognition. “Lisset is a shining star here at the Waltham Boys & Girls Club. Being at the front desk is an important part of a family’s experience when they first arrive at the club. Lisset is there to greet them and is always the most welcoming. She is also bilingual so being able to have that clear communication with our Spanish-speaking families is such a large asset to the club.” Lisset most recently shared a more personal side to her member story during the 2021 Women’s Breakfast with a Mission, which resonated with staff on a unique level. “It isn’t easy telling your story, but Lisset was confident enough to speak at this event to help awareness and support of the Club – that is true commitment.”
Member Achievement: STEM: Aaron Klem
In Aaron’s first year as a Club member, the 1st grader has shown consistent enthusiasm when it comes to STEM programming. That is why he is being recognized with a personal achievement in this category. “Aaron has shown great interest in STEM programming especially when it comes to coding and 3D printing,” said Anna Sebunnya, Waltham Boys & Girls Club Education Specialist & STEM Administrator, “He is in the zone when it comes to keeping us with the instructions and he sometimes gets ahead of the lesson he is so in tune with the programming. He knows exactly in what areas he would like to grow and is driven to do so.” Aaron remains committed to learning more every day and is driven to encourage his peers in all areas of Club programming.